Camel Quartz thread pool
Narapureddy, Santi K
2018-11-13 11:25:18 UTC
I’m having a strange issue where the route is not polling and moving the files at all. Want to understand the Quartz Scheduler’s Thread pool behavior. If I understand correctly when a route is created with a schedule, it created a thread pool with default number of thread (10). BY any chance if there is any RunTimeException occurred in any of the thread, does it kill the whole threadpool and none of the file copy happens after that.


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Narapureddy, Santi K
2018-11-13 12:59:20 UTC
Another Question on top of Camel Threadpools. Is there a way to monitor the routes? This should help to keep a tab on the routes and get a notification when anything happens. We have added onException block on Exception.class. By looking at the thread dump, I can see that the pool is alive. But none of the route is copying the files. So unable to trace what is happening. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


On 13/11/18, 4:55 PM, "Narapureddy, Santi K" <***@optum.com> wrote:

I’m having a strange issue where the route is not polling and moving the files at all. Want to understand the Quartz Scheduler’s Thread pool behavior. If I understand correctly when a route is created with a schedule, it created a thread pool with default number of thread (10). BY any chance if there is any RunTimeException occurred in any of the thread, does it kill the whole threadpool and none of the file copy happens after that.


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Claus Ibsen
2018-12-03 18:08:17 UTC

Can you maybe post more details, such as Camel version, and snippets
of your route setup etc. And maybe a bit more about what error happens
that you see that exscapes the thread pool, and maybe point to which
thread pool exactly. This may incline us to help faster and help look
into this.
On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 1:59 PM Narapureddy, Santi K
Post by Narapureddy, Santi K
Another Question on top of Camel Threadpools. Is there a way to monitor the routes? This should help to keep a tab on the routes and get a notification when anything happens. We have added onException block on Exception.class. By looking at the thread dump, I can see that the pool is alive. But none of the route is copying the files. So unable to trace what is happening. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
I’m having a strange issue where the route is not polling and moving the files at all. Want to understand the Quartz Scheduler’s Thread pool behavior. If I understand correctly when a route is created with a schedule, it created a thread pool with default number of thread (10). BY any chance if there is any RunTimeException occurred in any of the thread, does it kill the whole threadpool and none of the file copy happens after that.
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Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
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