How to BindyFixedLengthDataFormat for complex pojos ?
Wang Yan
2018-09-26 15:09:35 UTC
if my Pojo is complex, consisting of other Pojos

How should i create BindyFixedLengthDataFormat instance?

It seems i need create for 3 pojos but i could only create one like below

BindyFixedLengthDataFormat bindy = new

public class Order {

@Link Header header;

@Link Trailer trailer;



Any hints are more than welcome!
Claus Ibsen
2018-09-26 15:55:46 UTC

You should point it to the main POJO class in that data format, eg the
Post by Wang Yan
if my Pojo is complex, consisting of other Pojos
How should i create BindyFixedLengthDataFormat instance?
It seems i need create for 3 pojos but i could only create one like below
BindyFixedLengthDataFormat bindy = new
public class Order {
@Link Header header;
@Link Trailer trailer;
Any hints are more than welcome!
Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2